Agony is...

it being 3:24 pm and craving a snack after eating a small can of tuna and a Nissin cup o Noodles. Snacks cost $.55 and I have $.35 in front of me. Don't know anyone to ask for $.20 who would understand the snack craving mentality. But there being still 1.5 hrs in the (work) day, brain can not function without snack. So what do I do? Go out to car and retrieve 20 cents from wallet? Car is far away, but it would be worth a nice walk. OK now I go to get 20 cents from wallet ...

5 minutes later ...

return from car. put $.55 in vending machine. Salivary glands react to the "plunk" of the snack hitting the bottom of the machine and the corckscrew unwinds and the tootsie rolls fall. grab snack, head to cube. hands sh-sha-king ... tootsie roll pack being opened ... frantically opening packet ... 1st bite ... Ahhhhhhhh chewy blissssssssssss. Chocomania floods my brain and a calm thickness permeates my soul. Senses are awakened, and for a moment nothing is better than this snack-bliss. Thinking of hanging a sign on my cube saying "DO NOT DISTURB -- SNACK BLISS IN PROGRESS."

20 minutes later ... already thinking about next snack.

Life is just a series of snacks.
Everything else in between is just incidental.

